
What I offer:

  • Perspective – at times it’s healthy to step back and look at how bad things could be.  Some would see my life and think I’ve got it pretty bad; but there’s always something worse.
  • Humor – I live because it’s better than the alternative.  There’s nothing wrong with a good cry, but I prefer laughing.
  • Positivity – no matter what obstacles we encounter, they are building blocks to making us stronger and better.  Like attracts like.  If you want positive things to happen then be positive… again; it’s so much better than the alternative.  Tim Ferriss is fond of tossing out the quote, “we are the average of the 6 people we are around the most.”  Are the people, TV shows, reading material anchors in your life?  Lose what you can and insulate yourself from the rest.
  • Life Lessons – look I’ve gone through a shit ton of the aforementioned obstacles.  Why not be smarter than me and learn a few lessons the easy way.



  • On a grand scale I’d like to save the world.
  • Starting smaller, I want you to get your hands on the lessons I’ve learned, mind “hacks” I’ve developed or stolen, tools I’ve discovered so that you can avoid mistakes. Some things are not taught in school.
  • I want to grow this platform into the best platform it can be
  • I never want to stop learning, growing and becoming.
  • On a very small scale?  I’d like to be the person my dogs think I am (that’s a stolen quote – I don’t know the attribute)

How I got here:

At 19 I thought I had everything all figured out. I was invincible and I had the world by the balls. I was going to save the world. I had no idea how; but it was a fact. Then I was in a car accident and broke my neck. Paralyzed from the chest down, most of the labels I had used to define myself were gone. I was a baby again. I had to learn how to do everything again. I had to redefine myself, and I had to do it in a broken (crooked) body.

That process of redefining myself is the story of me “becoming.” Labels have come and gone. Friend, father figure, brother, son, uncle, grandfather partner, husband, divorcee, therapist, consultant, secret cult leader (just kidding), meditator, mediator, motivational speaker, teacher, coach, mentor, manipulator, storyteller, patient, victim, crazy person. I’ve been all of them, and yet none of them define me. I’ve died several times and come back stronger, and I’ve had my body turn against me with staggering chronic pain.

Through every part of this I have been (as my family and friends describe me) relentless. Too stubborn to be broken.  Every time a label goes away, I discover more of my authentic self. I’ve learned to shed masks that cover who I really am. I’ve opened myself up, and made myself vulnerable, so others can see the value in doing the same. Regardless of how broken any of us are at any time; we are perfect. Right now. No changes necessary.

Fair warning:

Now, having said all of that, I think it’s only fair to say that I am not for everyone. I have been a different person at different times in my life; and I’ll eventually tell those stories. My sense of humor is ever-present and you will quickly discover is at times dark and twisted (crooked). I also believe that cursing is an art form. So if you have sensitivities make intelligent choices when reading.

Lastly, this blog is a return to my first love; writing. I’ve kept and shared journals since high school, when people would pass them around and add comments. Finally, with blogging I see a “fit” for what I’ve done since the 1980’s. Hopefully you’ll laugh at some exploits, or maybe cry. I encourage you to leave comments and interact. I don’t have any firm grasp on the “truth” and I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong.

Thanks for taking a look.

(crooked) Eric

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